Thanks to a very helpful comment from Kahless on my previous post on this topic, I have developed a new method of obtaining the client IP address from a script running on the XenApp 6 or XenApp 6.5 server.
This only works on XenApp 6.5
This script uses the SESSIONNAME environment variable to return the ClientIP via WMI.
Function GetCTXClientIP
Set ObjShell = CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)
Dim strSessionName : strSessionName = ObjShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( “%SESSIONNAME%” )
Dim objCTXWMIService : Set objCTXWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\\localhost\root\citrix\hdx”)
Dim colCTXItems : Set colCTXItems = objCTXWMIService.ExecQuery(“Select ClientIP from Citrix_Sessions where StationName = ‘” & strSessionName & “‘”)
Dim objItem, ClientIP
For Each objItem in colCTXItems
ClientIP = Cstr (objItem.ClientIP)
GetCTXClientIP = ClientIP
End Function
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The problem is that environment variables are sometimes empty during logon/logoff on W2008R2 SP1.
The same occurs for the %SESSIONNAME%. Means the script is useless as logon/logoff script.
Getting session from TMP folder doesn’t work.
Running CLientnfo.exe during logon result in disconnect.
Getting volatile env. is also untrustable.
Other solution?
We have this script running as a logon script to map printers based on the client IP address so I can confirm is does work as a logon script.
How have you determined that the %SESSIONNAME% variable is not present?
Related problem – ever since we switched to XenApp 6.5 on W2k8 R2 from XenApp 5 on Windows 2003, the CLIENTNAME environment variable is blank during logon script but is set if you check later via cmd.exe