Recommended XenApp 6 Hotfixes

I am a huge fan of XenApp 6, but XenApp 6 does have more than it’s fair share of bugs. Citrix have published a list of recommended Citrix and Microsoft hotfixes which has recently been updated (March 2012). Here is my list of recommended XenApp 6 hotfixes to keep your farm (mostly) bug free:

For Microsoft hotfixes when running Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1, I recommend the following hotfixes:
I will try to keep this updated, but always check the XenApp 6 hotfix list and Citrix’s recommended hotfixes to see if there are new hotfixes which apply to your environment.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Nice job. the coolest thing to have would be an utility grabbing online all the available hotfixes for a specific xenapp release, displaying them in sheet with an option to select/unselect the ones to download and the ones not to download. I know I’m lazy but sometimes it takes really a long time to download one by one these updates. If you know a such tool pls let me know at

  2. really i’d like to thank you , at least your support more than citrix website

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