HP BiDi Channel Components Installer error

There has been an issue with the HP bi-directional (BiDi) component for some years where the MSI installer tries to run each time a user logs in resulting in events in the application event log such as:
Product: 64 Bit HP BiDi Channel Installer — The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package

This issue is described in this HP Support document– I took “Workaround #2” from this article and created this batch file which is run at computer startup via Group Policy:

:: HP BIDI Fix for x64 bit Windows
set HPBIDI=%windir%\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3\HPZBDI64.msi

:: Check if the HP BIDI MSI file is already 0 bytes
CALL :CheckZeroSize “%HPBIDI%”
:: Delete the .old file if it exists
del /f /q “%windir%\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3\HPZBDI64.old.msi”>NUL
:: Rename the HP BIDI MSI
ren “%HPBIDI%” HPZBDI64.old.msi>NUL
:: Create a new 0 byte dummy HP BIDI MSI file
copy /y NUL “%HPBIDI%”>NUL
goto :eof

if %~z1==0 exit 0
goto :eof

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    Nice solution to this problem, and also will prevent the problem from occurring again should I update or reinstall these drivers.. Thanks a million!

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